
Monday, September 30, 2019

Helping Children with Learning Disabilities Essay

Children with learning disabilities are smart or smarter than their peers, but may have difficulty with things like reading, writing, reasoning, and organizing information by themselves. A learning disability is a lifelong issue that cannot be cured or fixed with a snap of the fingers. Children who have the right support and intervention can succeed in school. Then later they will be able to go and be successful later in life. Children with learning disabilities need the support of parents, school and their community to be successful. Parents need to be able to encourage children with their strengths, know what their weaknesses are, and be able to understand the educational system to be able to work with professionals. Learning Disabilities cannot be categorized into one diagnosis. Learning disabilities are caused by biological factors that are caused by differences in the structure and functioning of the nervous system. Many people, both in the local and professional community, use the terms handicap and disability interchangeably, but they are not. A learning disability means that preschoolers are unable to complete tasks in a certain way. Children with learning disabilities have a hard time functioning in areas such as sensory, physical, cognitive, and other areas. Handicap means that preschoolers are unable to function and cope in their environment. These children have impairments such as cerebral palsy or down syndrome. In 1991, the federal government amended the disabilities label to â€Å"Individuals with Disabilities Act† (PL 102-119). This act allowed states to be able to not identify with one of the thirteen federal disability labels, but to classify preschoolers with special needs. (Kilgo, pg 27) With the new changes professionals were able to use new terms like developmentally delayed and at risk when identifying children. Developmentally delayed is determined on the basis of various developmental assessments and/or an informed clinical opinion. Children starting at the age of three years old can now be identified for services. Delays can be expressed in a difference between a child’s chronological age and his/her performance levels. Delays occur when a child does not reach his/her developmental milestones at the expected age level or time. If a child is slightly behind it is not considered a delay until he/she are lagging in two or more areas of motor, language, social or thinking skills. Developmental delays are usually diagnosed by a doctor or medical professional based on strict guidelines and take more than one visit to diagnose. Parents or childcare providers are usually the first to notice children not progressing at the same rate as other children. Testing will help to gauge a child’s developmental level. At risk describes children with exposure to certain adverse conditions and circumstances known to have a high probability of resulting in learning and development difficulties? (Kilgo, pg 28) These children have not been identified as having a disability, but as children who may be developing conditions that will limit their success in school or lead to disabilities. There are three factors that can result in a child’s environment. The first is established risk/genetic. This could be where a child is born with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or spinal bifida. Biological risk means that a child has a history of pre- or post- natal conditions that heighten the chance of development. These could be conditions such as premature births, infants with low birth weights, maternal diabetes, and bacterial infections like meningitis or HIV. Environmental risks are considered biologically typical, meaning they are environmental conditions that are limiting or threating to the child’s development. All three at risk factors can result in cognitive, social, affective, and physical problems. (Kim, pg. 4) Some signs of learning disabilities in young children are: †¢ A toddler may reach developmental milestones quite slowly. †¢ The child may have trouble understanding the concept of time. Is the child confused by the use of words like â€Å"tomorrow†, â€Å"today†, and â€Å"yesterday†? †¢ Young children have a lot of energy, but some have an excessive amount of kinetic energy, known as hyperactivity. †¢ A child that has difficulty distinguishing right from left may have difficulty identifying words. †¢ A child with a learning disability often masters several areas, while failing in two or more areas. A child that is perceived as disobedient may actually have difficulty understanding and following instructions. Once a child has been identified as having a possible learning disability, assessments need to be completed. An assessment is the process of gathering information for the purpose of making a decision about children with known or suspected disabilities in the area of screening, diagnosis, eligibility, program planning, and/or process monitoring and evaluation. (Kilo, pg. 90) During the assessment, evaluations should be accomplished with the e goal of identifying developmentally ppropriate goals, identifying unique styles and strengths, looking at parent goals and outcomes for their children, reinforcing family’s competence and worth, and creating a sense of shared commitment between families, schools, and professionals. Families possess a wealth of information and should play a very active role in the decision making, planning, and evaluations of their children. Schools are required to foster a child’s education, offering and supporting the needs of each child through a series of individualized instructions and interventions. School districts must provide documentation stating that the student has received the required instruction by qualified personnel. These interventions help teachers and staff to educate and foster the needs of children with learning disabilities. Assessments are an ongoing process. The initial assessment should be used to screen, diagnose, and check for eligibility for services. Ongoing assessments are to focus on a child’s skill level, needs, background, experiences, and interests, as well as the family’s preferences and priorities. Over the years practice has shown that there is a link between assessments and curriculum to provide for the needs of the child. It is important to keep records of a child’s progress. A very useful way is through portfolio assessments. These portfolios can be considered a looking glass into a child’s growth. Portfolios also help teachers and team members to keep observations and comments about a child’s activities and behaviors. The information collected can help meet many of the required criteria for planning and monitoring. An important responsibility of an educator is to have an environment that will both nurture and foster learning. When designing an environment childcare providers should use best practice guidelines from places like National Association of Education of Young Child (NAEYC) and National Association of Family Childcare (NAFCC). Environments should look at available space, age of children, visual appeal, safety and health, and organization. (Perri Klass, pg. 46) Always remember that environments exert powerful influences on children and help to play a vital role in children’s lives. Activity areas should include gross- motor, quiet/calm, discover, dramatic, therapeutic, and arts and crafts areas. Rooms should not have furniture that is used to separate centers or activities but should use things like lower lightening, parachutes hanging from the ceiling and area rugs to help children understand the use of different centers. The main goal of childcare providers and educators is to provide the best possible services for children with learning disabilities by providing services â€Å"as early and comprehensively as possible in the least restrictive setting†. Services and interventions should be supported in the most natural environments that will include the child’s primary care giver. Individual Education Plans (IEP) plays a large role in the education process of children with learning disabilities. These IEP’s require professionals, parents, and caregivers to work together as a team. They hold teams to accountability standards for the care of children with disabilities. A child’s IEP helps to furnish an instructional direction, sort of like a blueprint of care, to measure the effectiveness and progress of children. If an IEP is carefully written and appropriate goals are set, it will provide special education services to a child that will be reflected throughout his/her life. In the field of early childhood education, the definition of special needs has drastically changed for children with learning disabilities over the years. We live in a very diverse society of languages, foods, music, values and religious beliefs that brings us the strengths of our nation. Every day the makeup of our society changes and so does the needs of our children, especially those of children with learning disabilities. Our community is seeing a growing need for services for children with learning disabilities. Young children with learning disabilities need to receive services at the earliest age possible. Parents need to remember that learning disabilities do not go away overnight and for some children it takes years of recognizing, expressing, thinking, and problem solving to succeed at being the young adult that they are meant to be.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Equality, Diversity and Rights within Health and Social Care Essay

Sex discrimination act 1975 This act applies for both men and women. It promotes that both men and women should be treated equally. For example, in transport, education, jobs etc. It promotes anti-discriminatory practice by making sure those men and women are treated equally, if this act applies didn’t exist, men and women may be deprived of certain choices. This act includes any discrimination against homosexual marriages or civil partnerships, any discrimination against pregnant women and maternity leave, also about equal pay for both men and women. Disability discrimination act 2005 This act applies to anyone that has some sort of disability. This act is in place to protect disabled people against discrimination both in employment and when using a service or facility. For example, anyone with a disability should have the same opportunities in work or learning places such as school, colleges or universities. In other places such as shops and banks, and to also make sure that they are treated fairly when they go somewhere to eat or drink, such as restaurants or pubs. Public transport services have to make sure trains; buses, etc. are accessible and have the right facilities for anyone with a disability. â€Å"The government has implemented the legislation in three phases. Phase 1 in 1996 made it illegal to treat disabled people less favourably because of their disability. Phase 2 in 1999 obliged businesses to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for disabled staff, like providing support or equipment. They also have to start making changes to the way they provide their services to customers, for example providing bank statements in large print. Phase 3 from October 2004, businesses may have to make physical alterations to their premises to overcome access barriers. The example people most readily think of is installing ramps for wheelchair users. M2 For this task, I am assess the influence of one recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice on a particular setting. There are various policies promoting discriminatory practice but I am going to explain the mental health act and the mental capacity act 2005. The mental health act 1983, amended again in 2007, with the mental capacity act is a basic guide for people in the care industry to follow to protect the rights of people with some sort of a mental disability and with the main objective is for them to have the best effective care and treatment. The mental health act 1983 is a substantial framework for anyone who is working within care and working with people with a mental health condition. This initiative provides a logical format which stabilities both the law and legal principles in order for mental health workers to come to a settled judgement about someone’s health. This act was amended again in 2007 because there was various reports in which abuse and neglect was suspected and then found out in some mental health institutions, which are branded with discrimination. The only reason that this act was amended was to protect the service users from abuse and discrimination by providing a straight-forward guideline in which all health care professionals must follow to protect the patients from discrimination. The importance of this act is to ensure that people are receiving an effective service with boundaries and laws to protect the individual’s vulnerability and maximising their safety and well-being and most importantly protecting them from any harm. Since the act was amended there has been a significant reduction in the amount of cases that have been reported of abuse and any death. Patients have been treated with more respect and dignity and these patients have now the opportunity not to be discriminated as the act now instructs how and what measures would be taken to protect a service user. However despite this piece of legislation the major issue of perception and preconception against mentally ill patients still exists. This act however does not cover any discrimination within the community but still covers it when admitted into hospital. This also connects to the equality act 2010 as it makes it illegal to discriminate directly or indirectly against someone with a mental health condition within public services and functions, access to any premises,  work, education, associations, and finally transport. D1 For this task, I am going to evaluate the success of the recent initiative in promoting anti-discriminatory practice. I am going to evaluate the mental health act 1983 and how the act’s initiatives promotes anti-discriminatory practice and I am also going to compare the amended version in 2007 and how this has promoted anti-discriminatory practice and how it has improved people’s lives. The mental health act was created in 1983 to make society as fair as possible but it also has had some negative areas. The act says about the ‘removal’ of people with mental disorders. This could be seen as discrimination e.g. marginalisation because you would be making someone feel isolated from society and feel as if they could not be part of that certain part of the community. This act is purely to help and protect those with mental health issues and safeguard those around them. This act was updated from 2001 and finalised in 2007 because the language used in the act was changed. Also issues, treatments on different conditions and ‘treatment tests’ and ‘condition tests ’ were altered additionally. The language was changed in the act because it therefore more politically more correct as no one likes the idea of being ‘removed’ from society. The aim of the act in 2007 is to give people more choice in life, to receive fair and equal opportunities so that they can lead a healthy lifestyle and have a good life with a career etc. Article 4 of the act intrigues to me because of the language used to change the fact that it could come across as discrimination. Impairment in other words means ‘abnormality’ which could come across as belligerent to those who suffer with psychological disorders, this then would present them as ‘lesser’ and therefore more likely to prejudice comments. However the word ‘impairment’ implies that someone isn’t able to lead a normal life and in some cases that is untrue. Recently the government has canvassed through radio and posters to convince the public that there is nothing wrong with having any psychological disorders, and these people shouldn’t be marginalised. Some people use the word ‘mental disorder’ when describing someone with a mental health problem because it again leads these people to be marginalised and have prejudice thoughts about them all the time. Additionally, these certain people do have amazing talents, have successful lives and have a normal life because their society has been taught different. The main changes in 2007 was the language and format of the ac and how procedures and treatment are carried out. An example of this would be that the words ‘psychiatric disorder’, ‘mental illness’ = and ‘mental impairment’ were exchanged with ‘mental illness’. This was done because then it doesn’t categorise each person into a different group and it being changed to ‘mental illness’ it applies to all disabilities and disorders of the mind. They have also created new roles of nurses, psychologists and other health professionals to become an approved mental health professional (AMHP). This is when people are specifically trained in many different ways to promote anti-discriminatory practice. The amendments made in 2007 were originally supposed to change the entire 1983 act but members of parliament voted against this because the new amendments freed the treatability test to allow clinicians to access individuals appropriately and professionally before creating the correct treatment and care. Even though the act has been prosperous in some ways there have been certain issues and provocative issues on why the entire act wasn’t improved or why it needed to be improved. Not only was that but in 1983, the government unsuccessful to reach their targets regarding treatment, equality in society and diversity. It also miscarried to reduce the amount of individuals suffering with mental disorders. P5 For this task, I will describe at least five ways in which anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. In a health and social care setting, for example, the nursing home I work in (for confidential reasons I cannot reveal the name of it), there are various ways in which anti-discriminatory practice is promoted. The five ways are: There is a variety of menus and food available for anyone; There is wheelchair access all-round the home; There is diverse staff; We do not discriminate; We always promote an individual’s rights. The chef and kitchen staff always have the thought of the religious beliefs and health of the residents when preparing breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack for them. For example, in the nursing home I work in, the majority of residents are of Jewish belief, but there are also Catholics. So if there was roast pork on the menu for lunch, the Jewish residents could have the choice to pick and choose what they would want for lunch. With this menu they could have roast chicken or beef, or even something completely different like a sandwich or an omelette. The kitchen staff think about a resident’s health condition as well because e.g. there is a man in my nursing home that cannot chew proper food and is also diabetic. For his lunch (if it was roast pork again), they could have a minced dinner with everything else (e.g. vegetables/potatoes). Then for his dessert, he could choose between the diabetic pudding, which is a baked apple, diabetic ice cream, or a yogurt. I believe this promotes an ti-discriminatory practice because they always think about the residents before preparing anything for them which includes their diet. There is wheelchair access throughout the whole home. The doors have been especially wide to fit wide wheelchairs, there are stair lifts for anyone who cannot walk down them or need the help of the wheelchair to get them down. There is always the option of going down in our lift which goes to each floor of the home. There is also ramps coming into and out of the home so it doesn’t stop anyone from not coming in. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because we don’t stop anyone from not coming in for going from a to b. There is a variety of staff working within the nursing home I work in. The majority of the staff would be eastern European girls, but there is also a lot of African/West Indian/Caribbean staff within my work. Additionally there are a lot of Asian men and women working in the home and surprisingly there are 3 people who are fully British that work in our home, whether be in power in the home, in the caring side and the kitchen side. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because our home doesn’t reject someone from being part of our little family because we believe we can’t stop someone from being part of our family (within reason). In my nursing home, we always ensure that we treat people in a respective way. Some behaviour from a carer or a nurse could be  misunderstood and seen as if they are patronising the resident because of a condition they may have. Always as a carer/nurse one of my roles would be to make any judgement on what may or may not be happening. I have to always listen to the patient or service user if there is any sort of problem and see how a problem that could be happening could be resolved, then I would have to take appropriate action and monitor the situation carefully. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because we do not want to be dis-respectful to anyone who is using our service. Promoting an individual’s rights can be met in many different ways such as if a person has any learning or speaking difficulties, it would be my responsibility or someone in powers responsibility to get help for the service user and this could mean getting an advocate to help the resident portray what they wanted to say. All service users should be made to feel as if they are just as important as everyone else in the home and be treated with the same amount of respect. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because we do not stop anyone from being what they want or getting what they want just because they have a learning/speaking difficulties or even walking difficulties. M3 and D2 For this task, I will discuss at least three difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings and also to justify how to overcome these difficulties. I will be putting M3 and D2 together as they are similar in task targets. The three difficulties I will be talking about will be locality, discrimination, and socialisation. Locality could be a difficulty when implementing anti-discriminatory practice because for example in a GP’s surgery, and if the majority of the doctors were white, this would pose a problem as if there was a black patient they could feel uninvolved and that they are not equal as the surgery is not promoting that all races are equal by not employing doctors from other ethnic backgrounds. This difficulty could be easily overcome by employing other GP’s from other ethnic backgrounds so that all the races feel included  and equal. To also overcome this, is to give more staff training to the staff, to make sure that they would know how to deal with other people from other ethnic backgrounds. This therefore makes patients feel as if they are not being discriminated against. Staff training is also more effective that presenting posters that say that all patients all equal because although is shows that for example both sexes are equal, the surgery isn’t actually applying that into their work. Furthermore, staff training will propose a chance to discuss possible inequalities whereas posters would offer that option and opinion. Another difficulty that could come up when implementing anti-discriminatory practice is a health status of someone. For example, this could be a difficulty in a hospital because if a patient is in pain and shouting racial abuse at another patient, this could either be the reason of their pain and that they are angry and have to take their anger out on a complete stranger. This could pose as a problem as the other patient who is being discriminated against and furthermore being denied of their rights because of their race. This could be overcome again by staff training, this would be teaching nurses and doctors how to neutralize a situation of anger and how they could calm down a patient easily, so they would stop being racially abusive to the other patient and this therefore would stop the patient from being discriminated against as the abuse would have been stopped. Again posters would not be effective enough to stop any racial abuse as the patients would not pay enough attention to them. So therefore staff would then have to obstruct the situation and this then would be operative and be more probable to stop the judgement. Socialisation is another difficulty in implementing anti-discriminatory practice especially in health and social care setting. For example, in a doctor’s surgery if a young adult was brought up to think that men and women were not equal in their society; they would think this is normal whereas the society they live in is completely different. For instance, in a doctor’s surgery, if a woman was brought up to think that women are not equal to men and men are better. Then if she came into her GP surgery and got the last appointment of the day, and there was a man after her wanting an  appointment, she would then swap her appointment for another day even if she has a serious condition, just because she thought the man deserved it better than her. This therefor would mean that the women would have to suspend her appointment to another day, therefore her illness would deteriorate and could become even more ill than she needed to be just because she gave her appointment away to the man just because he apparently has the right to have it because of his gender. Then when she does go to the doctor, the doctor would say to her she should have come to them earlier when her illness was in the earlier stages as it would be easier to be dealt with. To overcome this difficulty, the doctor’s surgery should employ more staff so that there are other appointments available. Again the staff should be trained more to advise the patients that their men and women are equal and have the same rights as everyone. This patient needs to know that she has the same opportunities as men and this problem doesn’t need to prevent her from getting her appointment again or another situation in which she thinks that men are better than her and have all the advantages over her. For this case, to overcome this, the staff would just have to positively promote her rights and staff training would be more advantageous as they can address her problem specifically whereas any posters or leaflets wouldn’t be paid attention to as much as someone saying it to her. For example, in a residential nursing home, if a female care worker (and she was brought up to think that men were more important than women) was working on a floor which had 10 rooms all of which are occupied by residents. 7 of these residents are women like the care worker herself and the other 3 were male. It was then noticed that this care worker was putting the males priorities ahead of the women’s, this is the wrong thing to do especially in a care home, just because she was brought up to think that men come always before women. This care worker is then not promoting anit-discriminatory practice, in fact she is discriminating against the women who live in the home. If this was to happen and action would need to be taken immediately because she is supposed to treat everyone equally and not as if one person is better than another. This is a problem when implementing anti-discriminatory practice because she is discriminating, however there is ways in which this problem could be overcome. There are two simple ways in which gender discrimination can be overcome in this sort of circumstance: 1. You first could give a verbal or  written warning to the female care worker because they have done something against the rules of their job and of which they cannot break. This is a good way in which discriminatory practice can be overcome because this gives the fear to that care worker that if they do it again they could lose their job due to putting the males priorities in front of the women’s. 2. Second of all, you could give that care worker a training session on ant-discriminatory practice and how to stop discriminatory practice. This would be an effective way to overcome discriminatory practice because it teaches the individual how to behave in their job and to treat everyone as equals and not to favourite some people over others. References: Health & Social Care – Book 1 – Level 3 BTEC National Series editors: Beryl Stretch and Mary Whitehouse Health & Social Care (Adults)- 3rd edition – Level 3 Diploma By Yvonne Nolan

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Basant as a Cultural Heritage of Lahore Essay Example for Free

Basant as a Cultural Heritage of Lahore Essay Basant as a cultural heritage of Lahore by Yasir Raza Naqvi Lahore is an exceptionally festive city. The people of Lahore commemorate many festivals and events throughout the year, amalgamating Mughal, Western and current trends. This blending is extended to include the grand and historically significant festival of Basant. Though religiously not a Muslim cultural event, it is widely celebrated by the Muslim majority population Lahore. It is precisely due to the same reason coupled with other ‘non-Islamic’ practices that it has come under severe criticism by the mullahs. The celebration of Basant grew at an increasing rate in the late 90’s till 2005 where it suddenly came under ban due to an increasing number of deaths caused by highly tensile glass coated threads. Due to the official recognition during Musharraf’s early regime, kite making had become an industry, employing hundreds of thousands of people. The implementation of ban of kite flying followed by the ban on kite making left almost 500,000 families employed. Political turmoil followed by the ban on Basant added misery to the already crawling economy of Pakistan as the number of tourists who came to Lahore just to see the magnificent event of Basant fell tremendously. Therefore, In this essay, I tend to analyze the tri fold significance that Basant holds for Lahore. I would briefly shed light on the history of Basant and its transformation over the years till today coupled with the criticism it faced by religious elements of Pakistan. I would later explain how Basant becomes the center of tourist attraction, and generates a lot of revenue for the local industry thus securing an important position in translating the cultural heritage of Lahore. I would also seek to mention the reasons for the implementation of ban on Basant and propose solutions to uplift it. In the pre-partitioned Punjab, Hindus, especially of Lahore- celebrated Basant by flying kites. It was precisely during that time that the Muslims of Lahore, almost equal in number-comprising of the 48% of the population of Lahore, were instructed by the mullahs of that time to refrain from celebrating the event as it was typically a Hindu festival. However, the youth of that time did take part in the event by flying kites. After partition, almost all the Hindus had left Lahore for India but their tradition of Basant remained; and even today Lahoris take pride in Basant and fly kites from their rooftops with the same enthusiasm. Being the historic capital of Punjab there is no other place where Basant is elebrated with as much vigour and enthusiasm as the ancient city of Lahore. Traditionally, a festival confined to the old-walled city, it has now spread throughout the city. The celebration of Basant is incomplete without the kites and it is for the same reason that Michael Palin in his book Himalaya says: â€Å"Everyone in Lahore flies their kites for a day. † (Palin) Marshall Cavendish in his book People of Western Asia briefly states about the history of Basant and its celebration in the following words: â€Å"Lahore’s spring festival, Basant (buh-SAHNT): also known as Jashen-e- Baharan), is celebrated in February or March each year. It is an ancient festival that has become increasingly popular in recent years, attracting visitors from other parts of the country. Basant is celebrated with feasting, music, dance and crafts, and the wearing of yellow costumes or scarves, a symbol of the new spring. The most striking feature of the festival is the kite flying. Thousands of kites of all shapes, sizes and colors fill the skies and soar from parks and city roofs. At night, music rings and while white kites are flown, which reflect lights and fireworks. Throughout Pakistan there are local spring fairs with folk dancing; feasting; fairground attractions, such as swings and ferries wheels (sometimes made of wood in rural areas); music; and sporting contests. † (Cavendish) The celebration of this event which includes the spending on the purchase of kites has constantly being termed by the mullahs as un Islamic. In an interesting piece written by Roy McCarthy in The Guardian (17th May 2003), a young woman supporter of the Jamiyat (religious party) is reported as vehemently arguing against Basant. It is not Pakistani culture. Pakistanis don’t need new festivals. The most obnoxious part of the Basant is that it encourages young men and women to dance together and drink alcohol. This is not Islam. This is not Pakistan. This is not part of our civilization. † (The Guardian) The cry by the Jamiyat and other religious parties to impose ban on purely religious grounds, that is, Basant being a Hindu festival and thus unIslamic; therefore it should not be celebrated for the same reason might not be a reasonable argument. Firstly because, Basant is more of an ethnic event and it was celebrated by the Hindus and Muslims (the younger lot) alike by flying kites on Basant day and kite flying is more of a sport in the contemporary world, so the question of kite flying being Islamic or unIslamic does not arise . Secondly, ‘there is no denial to the fact that religion is very important and integral part of the culture of Pakistan but we should remember that cultural traditions are also a cause to celebrate and if nothing else the celebration of Basant can be viewed by the specific gathering of the ethnic group. This is further strengthened by the statement made by Sheikh Saleem, lahori and a local kite maker, â€Å"eid musalmanon ki hoti hai or Basant lahoriyon ki†. Thus it is purely a cultural event and Basant and kite-flying contrary to fundamentalist perceptions had nothing to do with religion. Thirdly, Basant has always been supported by the sufis of the past who were the early preachers of Islam in the subcontinent and were all very close to religion of Islam. However, during times when the state comes under religious influences (MMA had an impressive victory in October 2002), there are efforts to discourage what is, after all, not a religious festival. Pakistan† (Rengel) Sufis of Sub-Continent have a convention of adjusting to the local culture and language of the places they visited to spread Islam. The Chishti sufis, have not only tried to relate to the South Asian culture and music, they even tested and developed different cultural forms. Basant is a living example of religious open-mindedness and respectfulness of other creations of God. Previously, it was these Dargahs and Khaneqahs, which served as basis where people could share equal liberty, message of transparency and oneness. Basant is a tradition initiated eight hundred years ago by the famous poet Amir Khusro. Thus, the sufis of the past, namely Nizamuddin Auliya, Baba Zaheen Shah, Amir Khusro also took part in celebrating the event of Basant through songs. The song sung on Basant commemorates a special event in a saint’s life. Blum and Neuman) Kite-making and kite-flying interdependent on one another spread from the confines of ‘undroon sheher’ across Lahore, and as the city of Lahore expanded, so did the trade. It grew to such a degree that it attracted people from around the world and made Lahore a place of great tourism for Pakistan and a dynamic source of income for its residents. The festival of Basant transformed over the years due to the introduction of kites of different shapes, sizes and colors and as Saeed writes â€Å"Kite Fighting is an integral part of the Basant Kite festival. Saeed) It is precisely this magnificent display of kite flying on Basant day that made Lahore famous and thus it became the center of tourist attraction. People belonging to upper as well as lower economic classes from around the country and beyond packed city hotels for a few days of late-night festivities. Thus, as the celebrations of Basant got bigger and bigger, more and more support started coming in the form of endorsements by the government, and sponsorship and advertisement by multi-nationals in the private sector such as Coca Cola, Pepsi and Nestle. Official statement of District Chief Nazim of Lahore, 2003, Basant had created a business of Rs. 2 to 3 billion in the province and provided lot of opportunities to common people and owners of cottage industries in the country. To some independent estimates overall euphoria of Basant would generate economic activities of Rs. 4 to 4. 5 billion in the province in 2004†. (Khan) Gradually, the event which was once a general celebration of spring became overly competitive and transformed from being a fun sport to a killer sport claiming hundreds of innocent lives. As the nature of Basant changed so did the demand for the kinds of kites needed and thus new models, enormous kites and ‘dors’ toughened with steel wire, chemical and glass to have room for the ‘kite-fighting’ of Basant replaced the traditional kite design, size and thin ‘dors’ that never utilized anything more than starch. These changes are in-fact the root of the present dilemma. â€Å"Kite flying on Basant has taken 505 lives in the last two years. The supreme court of Pakistan has mentioned 45 kite-flying related deaths in city over the last six months and 460 last year†. Zia) The factor that makes this activity even deadlier is that the dangers to human life from this commotion are multi pronged. In simpler words, the group of people affected by this cannot be specified. Actually, it is so large and all-around a group that the risks seem horrendous. Unlike other hazardous sports, the activity of celebrating Basant and more specifical ly more often than not, affects people who are not even slightly related to kite flying. The deaths quoted above are a testament to this argument. A majority of these deaths were of the unfortunate motorcycle riders who couldn’t endure the wounds after the stray strings, used for kite flying, cut open their throats. Then there were deaths due to the distraction caused by these stray strings. Young boys running after and chasing kites also add up to to this very ill-fated club. The number of wounded people and the number of accidents that kite flying on Basant has been causing is alarming to say the least. But the horror doesn’t end here. Many kite flyers were victims themselves; deaths caused by falling off rooftops, electric shocks due to the use of metal strings and obviously they too have the hazard of the stray thread slitting their throats. The killing of innocent people was not the only reason that the government imposed at a ban on basant. The monetary losses caused by kite-flying are astonishing. Fluctuations in the power supply and frequent electricity trippings have become identical with Basant. Pakistan Times show a grim picture: â€Å"As many as 48,173 power trippings were caused by kite flying were recorded in different parts of the provincial metropolis during the first quarter of current fiscal year. † (Pakistan National News Desk). Every year, the Basant days in Lahore are like a mini-blackout. And the people who have to take the toll are the people who have to work through days and nights to ensure that the people get uninterrupted power supply. The sharp strings and metal twangs can cut through the insulation of wires and every day, hundreds of transformers are left burnt and rendered useless. LESCO: â€Å"The losses suffered by LESCO 350 million rupees during the last 4 years ending 2003 out of which a loss of Rs. 20 million was caused in 2002 by metal wires. Moreover, one grid station had been damaged by metal wire every year during this period resulting in a loss of Rs. 8 to Rs. 9 million and the destruction of 210 feeders. † (LESCO) It is estimated that if there are 50 one-hour breakdowns, it costs Rs. 2. 5 million to WAPDA Steel and glass-edged wires are banned but manufacturers still report roaring trade. (Pakistan times†¦) Kite making is traditionally a family enterprise. Behind every kite is the effort of a minimum of six people. The skill is one that they acquire in their ‘virasat’ as Baqir Ali Butt stated. In some ways kite-making has been altered by the changing circumstances of Lahore but in other ways it has stayed the same. It continues to provide employment for men, women and children, including handicapped persons and the incomes of 500, 000 people are dependent upon the trade â€Å"Around 500,000 families, directly related to the kite flying business, have lost their sources of livelihood because of the ban on Basant†¦[†¦] The ban is costing them Rs 200 million annually, and at the same time damaging other businesses that are indirectly related to the festival. They said that the people related to the industry, including kite makers, twine (dor) makers, wholesalers and retailers, had lost their means of earning a living. The cost of the paper used in kite making is estimated at around Rs 90 million and the cost of the twine used for flying kites is estimated at around Rs 40 million. The process of making kites involves around Rs 40 million, said Lahore Kite Flying Association General Secretary Sheikh Muhammad Saleem. â€Å"These were taken two years back. Now the number must have jumped,† he said, adding that 500,000 families had suffered because of the ban. † (Dawn International) (Tasleem) â€Å"The Supreme Court on Friday directed the Punjab police to register and take affidavits from the manufacturers of strings for kite flying in the province that they would not produce metallic and other dangerous strings which play havoc with human lives and power lines during Basant festivities. The National Assembly was recently informed that Wapda lost Rs30. 2 million in revenues due to Basant-related mishaps in the Punjab from 1999 to February 2004. Basant as a Cultural Heritage of Lahore. (2017, Feb 24). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Report Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report Plan - Assignment Example The recipient of this report is the various organizations, both governmental and NGOs, dealing with welfare funding. Identifying the problem was an easy task. According to government statistics, TANF program has 31% of white families, 33% black and 29% Hispanic. It is important to note that the aim of the program is to provide funds to needy families with a five-year limit on financial assistance. In fact, total welfare spending for the year ending 2010 reached an astounding $900 billion. The problem arises due to the fact that, even with the large amounts spent on assisting poor families, more families keep increasing systematically. To answer the questions, it is crucial to have access to the government archives on the target program (TANF). The public libraries with government, though few, are a good source of information. The internet is also an important resource for this research. I will have access to the national statistics databases. Journals and newspapers detailing the aspect of social welfare will be considered a resource. Kearns (2000) advices of the use of mixed methodology in answering research questions. Following Kearns’ advice, I will use observation and interview to answer the questions. The interview will be in form of a questionnaire directed at sampled TANF and the program supervisors. Since the research is personal, I intend to make unbiased observations and take note for further reference. The suggested course of action will be based on unprejudiced answers to the questions of research. Corcoran (2011) lays out a clear method of identifying loopholes in social affairs based on the failures of the system

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 22

Strategic management - Essay Example It is therefore very difficult to give an optimal decision that will ensure that a given strategy will be implemented effectively in the foreseeable future. Strategy formulation can be described as the phase of strategic management that encompasses planning and decision making that will enhance establishment of the organization’s goal and of strategic plan. Strategy formulation can be described as that phase of strategic management that involves the use of organizational and managerial tools to direct resources towards attaining strategic results. From these definitions of strategy formulation and strategy implementation, it is clear that strategy implementation will fail as a result of the failure of strategy formulation. Decisions that are made to process formulation of a strategy are prone to be affected by internal and external factors. Before proceeding with review of literature is important to talk about ‘strategy,’ which is a widely term. Due to the fact that strategy in this paper is referring to the ‘strategy’ that is used in strategic management. Most of the definitions that have been put forward to describe strategy are very easy and lack comprehensiveness (Mintzberg et al., 1998). It is for this reason that he argues that several definitions should be incorporated to define strategy, and he called them the 5Ps for strategy. The environment is frequently increasing in vitality making it difficult for the prevalence strategic planning. Strategic planning systems are therefore influenced by various factors as indicated by various studies. Some studies have indicated that an environment which is turbulent enhances decentralization of strategic decision making process (Lindsay and Rue, 1980; Grinyer et al., 1986; Wilson 1994). The fact that strategy planning involves the prediction as w ell as uncertainty about the future and the only way to curb

Starting an Innovative Architectural Firm Essay

Starting an Innovative Architectural Firm - Essay Example On the hand, organizations with low or nil innovation orientation are normally associated with negative performance attributes, such as low quality of services, high wastages, constant complaints, grievances and conflicts with key stakeholders, low productivity, high redundancies, poor turnover, low flexibility and generally poor reactions from the key stakeholders (Koontz, 2009). In spite of the significance of innovation, founding an innovative architectural firm is not an easy process. It requires the understanding of a variety of environments, the application of best business practices and the adoption of current organizational development and management techniques, among other key issues. Adoption of current technological devices remains the key to the successful founding of an innovative firm. The computerized information technology with its related products in the forms of information systems, connectivity and telecommunications, the data base management syndrome, the artifici al intelligence domain and effective security to information and other related products have shown tremendous success in the management of innovation. The computer technology works to capture, process, store and disseminate information in a more accurate, economical and simple manner. Additionally the organization has the potential to meet both far away and immediate stakeholders through the various telecommunication systems. Closely associated with the telecommunications is the nature of information processing and dissemination. Since innovation requires quick and accurate information flows, the application of the online system of information processing, as opposed to the all batch processing, has clearly worked to increased innovation in the many other fields. This ensures effective and faster flow of ideas, communication and information that will increase an organization’s ability to innovate. In this respect through such products like electronic calendaring, artificial in telligence, electronic meetings and electronic mail, the application of computer based information systems has greatly assisted in the innovation. Thus, based on the aids of the current computers and related technologies the foundations of innovative architectural firms have been achieved with great success. Starting an innovative architectural firm also requires high levels of knowledge, abilities and capacities, as well as the right attitudes and skills. The acquisition of these variables is undertaken through sustainable training and development efforts. Training and development equips the participants with the above variables required to operate the venture. In this respect, an innovative architectural firm needs to establish training and development programs that are both comprehensive and flexible. This provides the participant with the needed innovation and related skills, attitude, knowledge and abilities. Senge advocates for the learning organization concept as a means of i nstituting innovative firms. His model of training and development denotes an organization that is constantly training and developing its resources while at the same time, being involved in serious analysis of its training and development programs. This analysis reflects the current and future needs of the firm with the ultimate objective of developing a strategic perspective. The learning organizations concept is synonymous with high levels of organizational flexibility,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Internship Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internship Report - Assignment Example It facilitated me to gain valuable insights about me, my community and various aspects related with the community in the most positive and effective way: Communication and Team work: The exposure to the real situation familiarized me in enhancing my communication capability and it also facilitated in increasing my competencies of working within the team as a team member. Problem Solving: The community internship enabled me to understand all the community associated needs and facilitated me to transform community actions by working together based on the knowledge, strengths and capabilities of the individual involved in the voluntary service. In relation to my learning and growth through the involvement in the community internship, the learning material consisting of lectures have facilitated in answering many of the questions such as why I was engaged in the community internship and what degree of insights and knowledge are required by me to effectively perform the requisite tasks of internship. It also facilitated me to make valuable judgment regarding my personal and professional capabilities. Before the inception of this course, I was apprehensive but every staff in Red Cross supported me and made me feel at ease and facilitated me to easily acquaint with it. The module 3 and module 4 significantly aided me rigorous understanding of the community and its various aspects. I also created a poster which reveals the mission statement of Red Cross service as well as the poster depicts the purposes of the activities that they are engaged in. The poster depicts the pictures that familiarize with stressful life of disabled people as well. My engagement in the community internship delivered me valuable insights about the changing community environment. While dealing with the changing community environment, it required me to be flexible enough to consider

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Disintegration of Yugoslavia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Disintegration of Yugoslavia - Essay Example This was based on absence of an effective social and legal framework that resulted into distrust within the family settings, anxiety among ever-smaller divisions, and divisions among heirs over landholdings. Despite gaining independence from Ottomans, Serbia has continued to suffer agricultural crisis until today (Silber & Little, 1996). Despite the theological argument over use of Cyrillic contrary to Latin alphabet or adherence to pope as authority of the bishop, Slovenes, Serbs, and Croats differences involved a great deal. Croats were considered traitors to hereditary Habsburg because they declined to surrender their local traditions and Catholicism. Similarly, Bosnian Muslims were considered servants to old Ottoman oppressors because of their cleavage to Islam. Therefore, disintegration of Yugoslavia was ascribed to the perceptions of Muslims and Catholics as demons in accordance with the dominant Serbian Orthodox theology (Cohen, 1995). In regards to Serbs, conflicts emerged among landlords or family members over property ownership due to conversion of landlords to Islamic religion. Market haggling and peddling characterized entrepreneurship in Yugoslavia. Development of Serbian bourgeoisie into class was belated despite its late arrival on the historical scene. However, the Croats and Slovenes were prepared for the arrival of capitalism in the Balkans (Schwartz, 1999). This was exemplified by the embedded attitudes that were held towards property. Serbianism was symbolized by burning of property registers as a means to protest against Muslim domination in Yugoslavia and deep ambivalence about the broader legal; and social reality beyond the nuclear family settings. Disintegration was aggravated by existence of mistrust towards laws outside the family in addition to Ottoman land records due to their implication of foreign governance (Silber & Little, 1996). However, the differences which

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sales Engineering Division Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sales Engineering Division - Essay Example In this scenario, one can conceive that while Terrill is trying to accomplish the responsibility of being a good leader, he also makes it a point that he listens to what his subordinates will say, an indication that he wants his decisions to be reasonable enough for the welfare of his followers. Terrill belongs to Leadership Era 4, where relational theories were being applied to stabilize organizations. Terrills commitment to improve the status of productivity and to inhibit himself, as well as the management from intervening in the work of the sales engineering division, shows his dedication to turning around what has been the usual practice which is being spearheaded by those in the top management. He wanted to bring out the best among his followers, and that is the reason why he wanted to let them work as a team and use their expertise as engineers, and not as mere pencil pushers. Diversely, the headquarters belong to leadership era 2, where rules were set by management. They have forced employees to follow not what they think is proper, but what the management thinks is right for them (Daft 21). In other words, employees were being treated as followers alone, depriving them with the right to influence management decisions. If in the same position as Terrill, the most appropriate approach to consider would be to adopt the relational theories. Disputes arise between management and employees that would cause conflict obliging leaders to mediate and implement actions that will not cause harm to both parties. The manager, who serves as a leader, should also act as a follower who will bridge the gap between the management and the sales engineering division through means of establishing relationships and regular communication. When healthy working relationships are built, eventually all things will follow e.g. increase in productivity, performance

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Organization System Essay Example for Free

The Organization System Essay The   Organization   System   consists   of   the   people   who   worked   for   achieving   their   goals   as   a   team. In   an   organization,   there   is   a   hierarchy   consisting   of   a   leader   at   the   top   to   the   people   at   the   bottom   working   under   him. This   hierarchy   is   subdivided   in   lower   hierarchical   order   also. Thus   in   the   organization   different   set   of   people   comprise   themselves   to   form   an   organization. The   leader   keeps   his   sharp   look   at   the   team   to   watch   whether   the   organization   is   functioning   effectively   or   not. The   role   of   the   leader   is   very   important   in   organization   to   keep   it   running.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   responsibility   of   a   leader   is   to   correlate   the   members   of   the   organization   effectively. Thus   he   also   plays   the   role   to   eliminate   the   situations   of   conflicts. Thus   in   these   various   functions   of   the   leader,   the   leadership   quality   for   removing   the   conflicts   in   the   organization   is   also   extremely   important   for   him. By   removing   the   conflicts   the   leader   will   be   in   leading   stage   to   work   along   with   the   members   of   the   team.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   challenge   for   leaders   is   to   effectively   manage   and   resolve   such   conflicts   or,   better   yet,   anticipate   and   prevent   them   from   happening   at   all,   says   CCLs   Patricia   Ohlott   (Patty   Ohlott  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   page   1). According   to   the   traditional   view   of   conflicts,   the   leader   must   have   to   avoid   the   conflicts   which   may   be   for   higher   designation,   appraisal   and   others. The   leader   by   using   his   leadership   qualities   has   to   eliminate   this   uncharacteristic   and   irregular   part. In   the   traditional   view   related   to   the   theory,   the   leader   has   to   decline   the   conflict   and   get   the   member   to   continue   the    work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According   to   the   human   relational   point   of   view   for   conflict,   the   conflicts   will   happen   in   the   organization. The   leader   can   resolve   the   problem   by   creating   routine   contact   with   his   team. This   is   the   simplest   way   of   resolving   the   conflicts. by   having   the   reward   system   one   can   resolve   the   conflict. But   according   to   the   interactionist   view,   the   conflicts   every   time   generate   a   new   situation. Thus   the   leader   must   be   innovative   in   his   ideas,   so   that   he   can   handle   the   various   new   situations   of   conflicts. The   leader   every   time   will   be   able   to   introspect   his   organization   by   having   conflicts   so   that   he   can   judge   the   situation   whether   his   organization   is   working   effectively   or   not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   leadership   quality   enables   the   leader   to   improve   the   capability   or   capacity   of   the   organization. When   the   leader   will   be   working   effectively,   then   the   functioning   of   the   organization   will   continue   successfully. The   volatility   of   the   organization   depends   on   leader   itself. If   the   leader   is   able   to   predict   the   upcoming   situation,   then   the   organization   will   not   endure   itself. The   leader   has   to   predict   the   situation   whether   they   are   related   to   the   market   or   related   to   the   internal   affairs   with   in   the   organization. The   leader   has   to   eradicate   the   complexity   by   using   the   different   techniques   and   reviewing   inside   organization   and   the   market   situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   power   means   authority   to   govern   or   leading   the   organization. â€Å"Policies   or   lack   of   policies   often   are   the   initial   reason   for   conflict†. â€Å"Personality   clashes,   clumsy   communication   and   lousy   dispute   resolution   techniques   are   often   why   conflicts   escalate†Ã‚   (PSO   Power   Tools  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   page   1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In   case   of   traditional   view   of   conflict,   the   power   can   resolve   the   conflict   necessarily. By   having   the   power   the   person   in   charge   can   dismiss,   suspend   demote   a   particular   who   is   creating   the   conflicts. By   the   power,   the   leader   can   negotiate   with   the   stakeholders   and   work   for   the   paramount   functioning. The   power   according   to   the   human   relations   view,   can   resolve   the   conflicts   as   by   having   the   power,   the   continuously   happening   conflicts. The   power   can   suppress   the   conflicts   by   eliminating   the   evil   stuff   which   is   originating   the   conflicts. By   power   the   person   in   charge   can   influence   his   downstream   to   work   by   having   team-work   and   coordination. According   to   the   ineractionist   view,   the   conflicts   are   cause   to   decentralize   the   power. Thus   the   person   having   power   in   an   organization   has   to   correct   the   situation   to   stabilize   the   issue. Thus   the   person   can   be   able   to   review   his   state   and   outcome   of   the   conflicts   to   build   the   new   strategies   for   resolving   the   further   difficulties.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   power   can   enhance   the   capacity   of   the   organization   by   keeping   watch   on   every   perspective   inside   organization   and   suppress   the   troubling   elements. The   powerful   person   in   an   organization   can   acquire   the   position   to   create   the   opportunities   for   the   benefit   of   the   organization. The   volatility   in   an   organization   can   be   eliminated   by   using   the   power. The   power   has   to   predict   the   situation   by   negotiating   effectively   with   the   other   beneficial   sources   and   the   internal   sources   within   the   organization. The   complexity   is   feature   which   can   be   reduced   by   the   power   either   forcefully   or   by   indulging   the   complex   parts   or   sources   in   other   streams   for   the   fruitfulness   of   the   organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   concept   of   organizational   politics   defined   as   the   as   the   exercise   or   the   use   of   power,   with   power   being   defined   as   a   potential   force. More   than   90%   of   respondents   said   that   politics   is   common   in   organization. 89%   said   that   successful   executives   must   be   good   politicians   and   76%   said   that   higher   one   progresses   in   an   organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   politics   is   the   key   factor   for   creating   the   conflicts   in   an   organization. The   politics   according   to   the   traditional   view,   the   politics   is   one   of   the   key   factors   for   containing   conflicts   inside   an   organization. The   political   scenario   in   an   organization   will   create   misbehavior   in   the   functioning   of   an   organization. The   occurrence   of   the   conflicts   is   basically   many   times   based   on   the   politics   only. According   to   human   relation   view,   the   conflict   can   happen   in   any   organization. The   structural   changes   happens,   are   due   to   the   politics   by   the   members   inside   an   organization. The   member   causes   the   politics   for   stopping   other’s   growth   or   for   their   personal   growth   also. The   interactionist   view   laid   some   different   idea   over   the   politics   in   an   organization. The   politics   causes   the   different   circumstances   many   a   times. So   the   politics   causes   the   fact   for   an   organization   to   review   its   strategies   inside   an   organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   politics   can   degrade   as   well   as   enhance   the   capability   of   an   organization. The   politics   can   cause   problem   to   opponents   for   better   working   of   the   organization. The   volatility   is   the   factor   which   is   due   to   the   politics   in   an   organization. For   example,   if   one   policy   is   being   implementing   in   an   organization,   the   politics   by   someone   can   revert   the   position   also. Similarly   the   complexity   in   the   hierarchical   structure   is   also   caused   by   the   politics. Due   to   it,   the   eligible   person   get   ignored   many   of   the   times,   which   causes   the   complexity   and   hence   instability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus   in   an   organization   the   leadership,   power   and   the   politics   are   very   important   and   play   a   key   role   in   better   functioning   of   it. Reference: 1) Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, Harvard Business School Press .http://books.google.com/books?hl=enlr=id=pdsu3ilaAoECoi=fndpg=PR7dq=politics+organization+conflictsots=N8vFMYLhfKsig=D9rOGuygpm7kBHXAI63WSbmD4NQ#PPA7,M1 2) Power, Politics, and Conflict, Richard Field on Management and Information Science. http://www.business.ualberta.ca/rfield/Power%20Politics%20and%20Conflict.htm 3) Patty Ohlott, Identity: A New View for Leading in a Diverse World,Identity and Conflict: A Leaders Role, July 2005. http://www.ccl.org/leadership/enewsletter/2005/JULconflict.aspx?pageId=1292 4) PSO Power Tools, Conflict Management 3, April 2003. 5) EH Schein Organizational culture and leadership, 1992. http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/docentes/luisrodrigues/Organizational%20Culture.doc Work-cited: 1) Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, Harvard Business School Press .http://books.google.com/books?hl=enlr=id=pdsu3ilaAoECoi=fndpg=PR7dq=politics+organization+conflictsots=N8vFMYLhfKsig=D9rOGuygpm7kBHXAI63WSbmD4NQ#PPA7,M1 2) Patty Ohlott, Identity: A New View for Leading in a Diverse World,Identity and Conflict: A Leaders Role, July 2005. http://www.ccl.org/leadership/enewsletter/2005/JULconflict.aspx?pageId=1292 3) PSO Power Tools, Conflict Management 3, April 2003.

Friday, September 20, 2019

John Stuart Mills Ethical Theory Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay

John Stuart Mills Ethical Theory Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay John Stuart Mill believed in an ethical theory known as utilitarianism and his theory is based on the principle of giving the greatest happiness to greatest number of people, Mill support the pursuit of happiness. On the other hand, Kant who believed in an ethical theory known as Deontologist and he believes that only principle of actions matter and moral decisions should be made based on one duties and right of others. Utilitarianism believes the morally right actions are those actions that maximize the pleasure and minimize the pain. Utilitarianism thinks the consequence of an action justifies the moral acceptability of means taken to reach that end and the result of actions outweigh any other considerations. In other words, they believe that end justifies the means. Utilitarianism believes an action is morally right if it results in pleasure; whereas it is wrong if it gives rise to pain. Utilitarianism believes sacrificing one man to save thousands is okay because you maximize the happiness of whole community or the world. For utilitarianism consequences of actions matter, so right action maximize the amount of happiness. Utilitarianism does not consider personal relationship. For instance, there is fire and in this fire there is your son and a person who can cure cancer who will burn to the death, utilitarianism will say save the person who can cure the cancer because he will save all patients who have cancer and it will maximize the happiness in the world. According to utilitarianism, it is out duty to help people without worrying about consequences, for example, Mills thinks we should do charities as much as we can without having affected or damage on ourselves because giving charity will give maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Millà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ethical view links happiness with morality because it makes sense with common beliefs about morality for example utilitarianism backs up murder is wrong. There are few act that are not good according to utilitarianism such as selfless act, for instance beating up wife gives pleasure to men where wife is selfless so this act is not morally right and good for utilitarianism. Sometimes utilitarianism require us to commit morally reprehensible acts for instance, there is a terrorist who has a nuclear weapon aimed at your city and at the same time you have access to the child of insane terrorist, you can torture the child so you can get the terrorist to stop his action. In situation like this, utilitarianism might say to torture the child so you can save the whole city even though it is not morally right to torture small child. I think the major problem with utilitarianism in defining ethics as either happiness or pleasure is that happiness is a moral duty and it is not morality in and of itself. While pleasure is not a moral duty but rather a biological command to seek that which pleasure us, for example drugs, sex, music can give us pleasure but they have nothing to do with morality or ethics. On the other hand, Kant believed in an ethical theory known as Deontology; that focus on the concept of duty rather than on any concept of right or wrong. His theory emphasize on the type of action rather than consequences of that action. Kant believes that moral decisions should be based on one duties and right of others and we should act morally regardless of consequences and act is considered moral if it is done for the sake of duty. For instance, a homeless man with brain damage in accident is brought to hospital and doctor realize that he does not have any families but deontologist will save man life as it is his duty to treat a patients. Utilitarianism might say let man die and use his organ to save as many people as possible to maximize the happiness of the world. However, according to deontologist allowing the man to die would not make that decision justify. Kant believe that well being of each person should be an end to in itself and we should never treat someone as simple a means but always as a means to an end. According to Kant, moral rules are commands and it is demanded by reason and free person acts on reason and does not pay attention to influences that are nor rational. For example, there should not be any exception to moral rules or laws, therefore, it is wrong to kill people in all situations even in self defense that apply to everyone in every situation. Kant believes that consequences do not matter because act of our consequences are not always in our control and things do not turn out, as we want. However, we can control our motives and the motives to what is right gives an act its moral worth. Kant believes we should use our morals as a guide when making decisions, for instance, there are four patients in the hospital that needs different organ to survive, and a regular person comes to the hospital for regular check up. According to utilitarianism, it is better to sacrifice one man to save others because it will maximize the happiness but deontologist will say it is immoral to kill an innocent person to maximize the happiness and we should not use person as a tool. Another difference between these two theories in situation like lie, Kant believes we should not lie in any circumstances because it is morally wrong and to lie it will make a person a means to an end which is not good. However, utilitarianism will say that it is okay t o lie if it maximizes the happiness.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Essay -- Science Energy Power Papers

Hydrogen Fuel Cell The Hydrogen Fuel Cell could revolutionize the world. This ingenious technology, which creates electricity from the chemical reactions of hydrogen and oxygen has, in its 150-year history, passed many of the critical tests along the path from invention to innovation. Recent developments in fuel cell technology and concurrent developments within the energy and automotive industries have brought the world to brink of the fuel cell age and the hydrogen economy. The future is, however, inherently murky. Fuel cells still face significant technological, political and economic hurdles before they can realize their truly awesome potential. An examination of these hurdles, set to the backdrop of an explanation of the current state of the art in fuel cell technology and the current and developing economic and regulatory landscape, will provide insights into much touted future of the fuel cell. In the near future, the fuel cell will come to play a much more prominent role in the world energy economy. The extent to which this innovation will revolutionize the world will depend on any number of technological, economic and political factors. In order to understand the potential impact and resulting policy implications of the fuel cell, it is first necessary to explain the technology of the fuel cell. The fuel cell utilizes the chemical properties of hydrogen to produce an electrical current. "...[T]hey produce an electric current by intercepting the electrons that flow from one reactant to the other in an electrochemical reaction."1 Fuel cells require only a fuel containing hydrogen and oxygen, usually from atmospheric air, to produce electricity. A fuel cell that utilizes pure hydrogen produces this electricity le... ... Tax leads to burial at sea," New Scientist, 3 August 1996. "English Conference of the Parties," Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change." http://www.cnn.com/SPECICALS/1997/global.warming/stories/treat/index4.html "Cleaner Energy," The Economist. 18 April 1998. p17. Ibid. Ibid. "Climate Change Information Sheet 24," UNFCCC Climate Change Information Kit. http://www.unfccc.de/resource/iuckit/fact24.html "Emission Summary for CO2 in United States of America," United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change. 11/18/99. http://www.unfccc.de The Economist. 18 April 1998. New Scientist, 3 August 1996. "Fill'er Up: With Hydrogen," Reuters, 16 August, 1999. Available on Wired News, http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,21293,00.html. "Fuel cells meet big business," The Economist. 24 July 1999. Ibid Ibid

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Should Elian Gonzalez Go Back To Cuba Or Stay In The United States? :: essays research papers

Should Elian Gonzalez go back to Cuba or stay in the United States? This seems to be the question drenching the media on a constant bases. Every newspaper, news broadcast, and magazine seem to have a story about Elian. Titles like â€Å"Elian’s Grandmothers are coming to the US†, seems kind of silly if you read the headline literally. I don’t mean to be cold but why do we care if Elian’s grandmother is coming to the US? Thousands of grandmas have come to the US everyday, but we don’t hear about them. The media has turned this dilemma into a circus. All that aside, the question and heated debate of whether or not Elian should stay still plagues us. Everyone seems to have an opinion on this subject. If you ask people casually what they think should happen, you will get very definite answers and plenty of information to back up there opinions. I have asked many colleagues and friends this question. I myself do not have the answer and do not think I am the one to judge. I have spoken to Cubans friends who say the conditions are so terrible over there that there is no way the boy should go back. They speak of old, decrepit, tiny homes with way to many people living in a single dwelling. They speak of a place that has little food and no milk for their children. I have been told of the conditions in the schools and their lack of proper facilities. These acquantenses tell me that Castro his controlling the boy’s father, monitoring his phone calls and making sure he tells everyone that he wants his boy to come home. They say he is not able to say what he really wants for fear of himself and family. For fear that Castro will take away the family’s food and shelter in Cuba. Over all, the general picture that has been painted is not pretty. The only thing not in debate is the fact that children their live a very different life from the majority of the children in the United States.On the other hand, there are the people that believe the child should be with his natural father. That where the child lives does not matter, what matters is whom the child is with. They say he has lost his mother and should not be taken away from his father.

The Pardons of Purgatory Essay -- Literary Analysis, Dante

Freedom is the ability one has to choose. Freedom is without consequence, fear of transgression, and lacks regret. Freedom is a fork in the road—a trail that leads to fortune in a field of traps. Humans have freedom and hold it as children do crayons, straying beyond the lines of purpose only to get lost in meaningless scribbles. Dante condemns these actions in his poem Purgatory. Dante invents a fictitious location in afterlife, liberating souls that have become prisoners of their own disarray. With a collection of paradoxes, vivid imagery, and active examples, Dante establishes a thorough process in which souls can be cleansed of the past and stride to their future. Purgatory is far from a place of punishment; it is rather a place of liberation; individuals can only obtain ultimate freedom if cleansed of their sins. Deceived perspective and impaired logic lure vulnerable individuals to frolic in the meadows of sin; therefore, in order to achieve ultimate freedom, one must first be stripped clean of all earthly and common expectations. Dante contorts Earth from a palace to a prison. Bound in earthly limitations, man â€Å"by his own fault† (Dante 307) engenders â€Å"grief and toil† (Dante 307) causing the â€Å"the winds of earth and sea to rise† (Dante 307). Men adhere to addictive habits ignorant of God’s presence on earth. By contrast, purgatory cuts men’s binds to these traps through punishment, enlightening individuals to their mistake. These conversions prompt â€Å"singing† (Dante 109) not moaning—as one would expect during punishment—and as the cleansed souls free themselves of their burdens of sin, their climb â€Å"up the sacred stairs†(Dante 133) seems â€Å"lighter†(Dante 133) and â€Å"easier by far† (Da nte 133). Dante uses these paradoxe... ...ppy† (Dante 329) when yielding himself to power of divine grace. Unless individuals willing concede and move forward to convert themselves to the purpose of a higher plan, they will wander aimlessly alone with no guidance or hope of liberation. Habits are broken in a series of steps. If followed, one will undoubtedly achieve a freedom, allowing him to pursue the courses of his desires. The process to ultimate freedom does not revoke a man’s appetite, but rather corrects it. The consequence of sin is not happiness. Sin leads only to regret and misery. True desires are those that bring fulfillment, success, and bliss. The plan of divine grace only leads individuals to a life free of unnecessary pain. When men become lords of them self by taming wild desires and consciously consenting to the plan of divine grace, he will live the life of ultimate freedom.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Happiness Essay

Happiness is something the world struggles with on a daily basis; maybe it’s not about the happy endings, but maybe it’s the stories along the way. Throughout my life I have encountered several trials that tug on my ability to become happy, robbing just a little ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel. With some of the situations I have been in, people may say I should be unhappy, but that’s just the opposite. I grasped onto the trials or maybe lessons and brought them to a positive time in my life making me appreciate the little things most take for granted. We all have stages of happiness in our lives; according to the Authentic Happiness Inventory score of 4.08 out of 5 that I’m at a pretty happy stage. I can say there are time were I feel lonely or depressed, but what truly matters is how you react to the moments and make them positive. The three main ambitions that I constantly live by contribute to my happiness are family, serving, and faith. During my childhood my father wasn’t always around, due to work. Being a truck driver’s daughter can be difficult by not having him around. Needless to say a little girl needs her father. Growing up not being able to participate in the father daughter dances or dinners put strain on our relationship, making me feel depressed and unloved. Pushing through those emotions, it made me appreciate the moments we do have together, just talking and enjoying each other’s company. When he’s able to be at home, the whole family gets together and have either a movie night or a BBQ. Not always having those moments often make them special, making you appreciate what I have. In the movie Happy, Psychologists explain how during social activity the brain releases the chemical dopamine that helps with the process of feeling happy. Coming together with family will always be a special moment in my life, which is another reason why happiness shining bright in my life. There comes a time in everyone life when we need help. Starting as a child to adulthood we should strive to be a serving person. If it’s to helping a friend through hard times or maybe feeding the poor, one little positive  moment in time could change a person’s perspective on life. For instance, an acquaintance from the church I attend was in need of a nanny due to her cancer-ridden father. Waking up around 4:30, ready to take on a day with her boys, I loved every moment of it. Making sure they had breakfast, was tidy, and ready to go to school, I proudly took care of them as an unpaid nanny. For me I didn’t need the money to make me happy, all I needed as the satisfaction of knowing I was able to help her while she took care of her cancer-ridden dad. In the article â€Å"If Money doesn’t make you Happy, then you probably aren’t Spending It Right† (Dunn, Gilbert and Wilson 440) helping others instead of yourself was a main principle, stati ng we should strive to serve others not just ourselves. Serving others can make you forget about your problems and help you realize you are truly blessed beyond means. Being lost through some of my teenage years I felt I was alone; faith wasn’t a big part of my life at this moment. Striving to be in the â€Å"popular† group or to have the next â€Å"big thing† was something I struggled with on the daily. Pushing to be known I eventually began to be bully over how dark my complexion was and how I wasn’t â€Å"pretty† enough to be in the popular group. As I got older and into high school it seemed like everything got better, but finally my senior year I went from the ugly duckling to being confident in my skin. Finding out why I was made the way I was, and that I’m never alone in the world, no matter if people come and go I will always have my faith in god to push me through. Faith helped me find who I am and to love who I am. It taught me to never hate myself because of the standards the world puts me under, but to embrace the inner beauty on how he made me. Faith helped me to love and to be the happy confid ent women I am today. Life is full of experiences, temptations, and hurt yet we love every moment of it. Wonderfully made moment and heart-wrenching situations, but we react in a craze. How we react to the situations and if we are positive or negative that affect the way we are happy. Life tests us to see if we can get up and take it like a champ. How we react is one of the shining moments a person will always remember about you, so stay positive they might look up to you. The way I was able to conquer my hurt was to find my flow. Engaging through your flow takes your mind off of the world for just that moment in  time and turns something negative to positive. Serving others in need helps one to move forward and helps you remember all of the blessings you have. Having positive friends and family encouraging you can help to your happiness also. Happiness isn’t in the happy endings, but in the stories it takes along the way. Work Cited â€Å"Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology.† Authentic Happiness :: Using the New Positive Psychology. The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. < http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/Default.aspx> Diener, Ed and Richard Davidson. Happy. Wadi Rum Films, Inc. Roko Belic. 2010. Film Dunn, Elizabeth W., Daniel T. Gilbert, and Timothy D. Wilson. â€Å"If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Then You Probably Aren’t Spending It Right,† Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th ed.2013 Print.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Discuss the Journeys Represented in the Happiest Refugee

A Journey is a physical or psychological adventure that takes from one place to another. Various types of Journeys can be seen clearly in the three texts studied this year: The Happiest Refugee extract, written by Ann. DOD in 2010, The Silver Donkey novel by Sonny Hairnets in 2004 and the film Bend It Like Beckman directed by Grinder Chad in 2002. The techniques that the composer uses to express the journeys are personification, onomatopoeia, repetition, similes, metaphors, music and acting skills. In The Happiest Refuge, there are both physical and emotional Journeys.The extract s about Vietnam refugees escape from their war-torn country in an overcrowded, battered boat. The aim of their Journey was to safely reach Australia. Throughout their physical Journey they had to overcome many problems. For example when refugees' boat engine started spluttering, the reader is in suspense because the refugees Journey could come to an end. â€Å"†¦ The engine was spewing out thick petrol fumes†¦ † This quote uses the technique personification to gives the reader a better description and mental picture of the physical Journey. Ann. DOD also uses onomatopoeia to create a more vivid image of the experience.For example, when the patrol boat starts shooting at the refugees, their life is at risk. â€Å"Bang! Bang! Bang! † The technique onomatopoeia communicates the danger of the physical Journey and how all of their hard work, effort and preparation could all come to a halt so easily. Emotional Journeys are also represented in The Happiest Refugee. Throughout their overall Journey, the refugees faced emotions of fear, hope, relief and frustration. They were in constant fear that they could be caught by the army. In one case, pirates approached their boat forcing them to give over all of their goods. The refugees' were in a state of shock and horror. We stood there silent and numb, like sheep awaiting slaughter. † Ann. DOD uses a simile to describ e the emotions that the refugees were facing. The simile expresses the feeling of fright and makes the reader feel the same way. In other situations, feelings of weakness are conveyed. â€Å"†¦ SHUT UP! † The pirates created emotional Journeys for the refugees as they made them feel vulnerable. The quote is an example of the confidence and power of the pirates because of the emotive language as well as the exclamation mark and capital letters o stress the words. Imaginary and physical Journeys are represented in The Silver Donkey.The novel is about two sisters who find a wounded soldier in the woods. The soldier is trying to get back home so the children help and take care of him. The soldier tells the journeys. For example in one of the tales, an old donkey named Hazel is told to carry a pregnant woman a far distance. The donkey has to try and make it the distance since he is very weak to show his loyalty to his owner. â€Å"Steadily, steadily she walked keeping the da ncing baby safe†¦ † The author uses the technique repetition and alliteration to convey the imaginary Journey. This is not a real life Journey; it is the soldier making up a story.Another type of Journey that is conveyed in The Silver Donkey is the physical Journey of the soldier. The soldier has fled from the awful environment of war. He has been physically damaged resulting in weakness and suffering psychological blindness. â€Å"The soldier struggled to see the boy through the lingering fog in his eyes† This metaphor represents the physical Journey of his blindness. In the film Bend It Like Beckman there are both cultural and emotional Journeys. It is bout an Indian girl, Jess, who loves to play soccer although her family is totally against it as it's not their tradition.Jess has a special talent for the sport and knows that she can succeed in it as a career so she lies to her parent's and secretly Joins a soccer team. Jess' cultural Journey begins when she deci des that she is not going to follow her Indian culture as she can't be herself and please her family. Throughout the film Jess is switching between her fake, home Indian life and her real, outside soccer life. This cultural Journey is represented through music. When Jess is at home, vying an Indian lifestyle, there is sad, Indian music playing.Then when she is outside playing soccer there is upbeat, Joyful music playing. This technique displays that Jess is not happy with wanting to follow her Indian cultural values and is happier being herself. The emotional Journey of Jess' parent's is how they have to learn to accept who Jess is and what she wants to do with her life. At first her parent's are strict on her, not wanting her to play at all but they eventually saw the talent their daughter had and accepted it. Their emotional Journey comes from being ashamed and annoyed to coming proud and happy for their child.This Journey is conveyed from the use of drama and emotions of the acto rs. When the parent's are ashamed, their attitude is angry and disappointed and then when their emotions towards their daughter change they have a more positive attitude. When they have a positive attitude their face softens and their eyes become more warming. In conclusion the three texts studied display the types of emotional, physical, imaginary and cultural Journeys. These Journeys are clearly expressed through the techniques such as personification, onomatopoeia, repetition, music and acting skills.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Rbi on Discipline

One thousand words on discipline, one thousand words on the Army Values, and one thousand words on what being a Soldier means to me, not counting words that are less than three letters in length, which i dont uderstand because they are words too, poor little guys, just cause theyre small , they don't exist? Discipline, this part of the rbi is being written and discussed on discipline. I am condudcting this rbi because myself along with a few other soldiers in the platoon fucked up today and since i am on profile and cannot conduct the pushup and the sittup, my profile states that i can only walk at my own pace a distance for Physical Training, which is now called PRT standing for Physical Readiness Training, therefore writing this rbi is the punishment my leaders deemed neccesary for corrective action toward myself and others that fucked up in the platoon. RBI's are given to soldiers for corrective action sometimes because we need trining on writing essays esspecially if a soldier is getting out of the army soon, like myself, i get out of the army in july of this year therefore i am actually kind of glad that i have to do this becaue i need to sharpen my essay skills anyway, so thankyou. Disciline means control gained by enforcing obedience or order. It also means orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. Discipline is important in all situations by everyone young and old, big or small, short or tall, white or black, or hispanic, or asian. so any race religion hieght or weight, no matter who you are or what job you have, whether it be in the army navy airforce marines or even if you work at wal-mart, or k-mart or chuckee cheeze, or even mcdonalds, but most importantly in the military, army, and military police corp, discipline is one of the most important traits a person can have. Discipline can vary from keeping yourself from eating the last piece of pizza or doing the wrong thing, such as not going to a class you are told to show up at, (even if you have a valid reson for not showing up and the person your tryng to explain it to wont listen to you and keeps interupting you, which is rude as fuck, but oh well, its the army, what can i say. hats why i usually dont even bother trying to explain myself wheter i do or not i am still going to get into the same amount of trouble because some people just dont give a shit what you have to say when they are having a bad day, i like how when some people have bad days they take it out on everyone else, or when leaders dcide one day to be super hooah when they usually are pretty laid back. thats also one of the reasons hat i am getting out of the army, that and at least one thousand other reasons) to even killing someone. Without discipline, the united states army every state in the united states of america and every oth er country in this world would be way way more chaotic than what it is now, i could not even imagine the world and the army being more chaotic than it is now. Jim Rohn said once, â€Å"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Discipline is applied to each activity in our lives. The discipline in the One Seventyth Military Police Company has been worsening since weve begun reintegration into the United States, personally I believe that has happened because the leaders in the company are not enforcing discipline, mostly because over in Afghanistan while we were deployed we bacame such a tight nit family that we saw eachother more as family than soldiers and non-comissioned Officers. Discipline down-range was still there just not as much as the Army expects it to be. So that being said, I also believe that discipline in this company has dropped because soldiers feel as though our leaders do not care about the welfare of the soldiers, maybe they do but it doesnt show.. Prime example, yesterday SPC Snyder asked Staff sergeant Holenbach if he would give her a counseling on requesting leave and the procedures she needs to follow. Staff sergeant Hollenbach then told her that he would get it done, later on he told her that he would be off the followng day and to have her get with SGT Quirarte and have him give her a counseling. The next morning, SPC Snyder found out that SGT Quirarte was on leave and coud not counsel her. SPC Snyder then came to me thinking I was the acting Squad leader and the next leader she should come to in her chain of command and then asked if I would counsel her on requesting leave and the procedures she needs to follow since Staff sergeant Hollenbach was off, From what she said, i understood that Staff sergeant Hollenbach told her to get her leave packet done first thing in the morning, i understand that SPC Snyder and I did not show up to class at 0900, i was in charge, so i was therefore, i was taking charge, as the saying goes â€Å"When in charge, take charge† which i am sure every soldier in the United States army has heard more than once. I understand that i probably should have chosen a different time to complete the counseling but i figured since her own team leader isnt here and wasnt going to complete the counseling on his day off and not take care of his soldier then i should be the one to take care of her, since her team leader wasnt going to be able to do so, when i deem neccessary, it is definatley absolutley one hundred and ten percent my fault that i chose a bad time to complete to complete SPC Snyders counseling, you might even choose the saying, the wrong time to complete SPC Snyders counseling, rather than a bad time to complete SPC Snyders counseling, but i was not sure when the classes would be over, classes we did a couple weeks ago if i remember correctly. mind you. nd if the classes did take all day then the leave packet would not have been complete in time to turn it in that day, and therefore would take alot longer to get passed up through the chain of command and get approved or dissaproved. So, m y bad, this type of incedent from me will not happen again, and this type of behavior from me will not be seen again. Also discipline comes in the same catigory as attitude. In that i mean from what i see, higher leaders, such a platoon sergeants dont have there prorities in order, i believe taking care of soldiers comes first in my mind, i do not see that in our senior leaders. i always take care of my soldiers issues first, i could not care less anout mne until my soldiers issues are resolvled. Leave packets sitting on the same desks for days does not say good things, deamening sldiers, does not say good things, and getting upset when (HOly shit, i am only at six hudred words, and this has to be done by tomorrow morning? This is bullshit) and even denying a soldier theyre right to attend an appontment when a soldier has an appointment whether it interfres with work or not, that does not say that a Non comissioned officer cares about the health and welfare of there soldiers. Overall i believe that the soldiers discipline in this company has dropped because the soldiers in this company feel as though theyre Non-comissioned officers do not care about the health and welfare of them. The mentality in this company seems to be, â€Å"If the Non-comissioned Officers in this company dont care, then why should I? 1006 The seven Army Vaues. This RBI is being written to discuss the seven army values, which consist of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Persanal Courage . Integrity is not just a word that defines honesty and trust, but it is also one of the words that makes up and defines the Army Values. Integrity is probably, in my mind, one of the most important, valuable and worth meaning words the United states Army uses. The united states Army defines Integrity as doing what is right always, mentally, morally, and physically. Doing what is right always, means being able to do everything you are supposed to the correct way when no one is around to watch you or being able to do the things you are tasked out to do the right way without having anyone be there to supervise you, being able to have people trust and believe in you that you will do what your told the right way, like from a Non-comissioned officer. Being able to do even little missions and have every one trust you to get it done the right way is a very important aspect of being in the united states Army. If no one can trust you to do things the right way when they tell you to conduct a mission, you wont be asked to do anything, you wont be put in charge of anything, and you wont get to go to any schools, especially any schools you actually want to attend. Integrity also works the same way when you are at a school or away from your company or even on leave or a four day pass. While at the school or class or even on leave or a four day pass or whatev er you might be at. Letting your company, or team leader or squad leader or platoon sergent know what is going on with you at your school or class is a must and you also must be honest and tell your team leader, or squad leader, platoon sergeant the truth, like maybe if you get counseled for something while at your school for any reason at all you just might let your team leader squad leader or platoon sergeant know about this so that they know what is going on with you, being truthful with everyone will show them that you can be trusted even if things are not going good for you in school or class or at home on leave or whatever it is that you are doing while you are away from the company or base, they might even say they will try and help you out with your class, but maybe as soon as you go in to talk to them for help, you most likely get yelled at and also get talked down to like youre an idiot, and you feel like you wished you wouldnt have even let them know you were having trouble because now you lo ok like a fool and an idiot, so next time you dont tell them that you need help and then you get into even more trouble because now they say you cant be trusted and that you dont have any Integrity. You earn integrity by doing what you are told and doing it without having to be supervised and getting whatetever it is that you were told to get done finished the right way without messing it up. if you continue to do everything that is asked of you the right way and more every time your supervisors will learn and come to trust you because they can count on you to do what they ask, they wont question your word or integrity. Then there is integrity like good conduct. Good conduct can be described as conducting yourself in a professional manor at all times, being in the united states Army you must conduct yourself in a professional manor at all times whether you are working, on post or off post on leave or not, during the weekend and even if you are at a school or class, especially for being part of the united states army Military Police Corps, we always have to be conducting ourselves in a professional manor at all times whether you are working, on post or off post on leave or not, during the weekend and even if you are at a school or class, we always must maintain professionalism, because we are always being watched. If you screw up and do not conduct yourself in a professional manor you will pay for it, esspesially if you screw up and dont tell your team leader, squad leader, or platoon sergeant about the incident and they somehow find out later on, your punishment will be even worse then. and it wont be very nice in most cases. For example if you are failing a class and you decide to take a drop make sure you know what you are doing or getting yourself into, because every one that sent you to that class or school is expecting you to finish, if you take the drop you will not be conducting yourself in a professional manor. MENTALY MORAL: This one may be a little hard to discuss and describe and write about because I haveno idea what to say or write, but I will do my best, besides moral integrity is at stake once again. Being mentally moral really doesnt have too much to do with anyone else but you. In my opinion being mentally fit or having mental integrity is a big part of being in the united states Army or in whatever professional field you might be working in, wheteher it be in the army, navy, airforce, marines, or even if you are a lawyer or car salesman, is really important. If you cant be mentally honest or true with yourself then how can you be honest and true with anyone else? If you dont trust yourself and be honest or true with yourself then how are you going to be honest and true with anyone else, you cant be honest and true if you are not mentally fit and that you are in denial and that is not good because then everyone will think you are a basket case and just write you off as some idiot and someone that they will never trust to do anything the right way, because you lie to yourself and everyone else will think of you as a liar. For example if something is wrong and you keep telling yourself verything is all good, and everyone around you can see that something is w rong but you wont admit it then you show everyone else that you cant handle the truth with yourself then how can you handle being truthful and honest with anyone else. Kind of a messed up situation you would find yourself in. If this part didnt make much since then it was a good paragraph because I have no idea what to say about this, couldnt even find it on line to help with this part of the essay. Hell everyone says they are good when they are really not, maybe money, or spouse or something, in that case every one is a victim of not being in a mentally fit or mental integrity position. So basically being good in your head and having your melon in good shape and believing and trusting your self will greatly help you and others to see that you are actually mentally fit and you have good mental integrity which will then help them have trust in you and task you out for missions because they will trust that you will get the mission complete the right way. 1018 What it means to me to be an american soldier in the united states army. In this section of the rbi i will be writing and discussing what it means to be an american soldier in the united states army to me, i will mostly basically be describing the united states army's Soldiers creed in my own words. A soldier is a member of the land component of national armed forces; whereas a soldier hired for service in a foreign army would be termed a mercenary. The majority of cognates of the word â€Å"soldier† that exist in other languages have a meaning that embraces both commissioned and non-commissioned officers i n national land forces. The word soldier entered modern English in the 14th century, from the equivalent Middle English word soudeour, from Anglo-French soudeer or soudeour, meaning mercenary, from soudee, meaning shilling's worth or wage, from sou or soud, shilling. The word is also related to the Medieval Latin soldarius, meaning soldier (literally, â€Å"one having pay†). These words were ultimately derived from the Late Latin word solidus, referring to an Ancient Roman coin used in the Byzantine Empire. In most armed forces use of the word soldier has taken on a more general meaning, due to the increasing specialization of military occupations that require different areas of knowledge and skill-sets or what the united states army would refer to as Military Occupational Specialty. As a result, â€Å"soldiers† are referred to by names or ranks which eflect an individual's military occupation specialty arm, service or branch of military employment, their type of unit, or operational employmen t or technical use such as: trooper, tanker, commando, dragoon, infantryman, marine, paratrooper, ranger, sniper, engineer, sapper, medic, or a gunner. So what does it mean to me to be a soldier you ask? Hmm†¦ There are many sections to the soldier's creed which all influence my life, both the way I live and the way I think. All soldiers whether old or new, should try their hardest to abide and live by the soldier’s creed. The soldier’s creed has taught me many things that make me who I am today. â€Å"I am an American soldier,† To me, that means I have the right to say this anywhere and everywhere I go. As an American I have Freedom of speech, religion, and pursuit of happiness. As a soldier in the united states army I defend these rights. â€Å"I am a warrior and a member of a team,† I will fight and give my life for my country, and as a member of a team I know I will never be alone because i will always have my battle buddy to my left and my right, right next to me, there to fight the battle and complete the mission just as i am. â€Å"I serve the people of the United States, and live the army values† When I recite this I stand proud that I am one of few that chose to serve and protect the United States of America. Now, as a soldier I not only follow the rules of the Bible, but I live the seven army values. Loyalty, I will and always will stand by my fellow comrades, soldiers and battle buddies, always being loyal and trustworthy. Duty, I will perform my job to the best of my ability. Respect, something earned, not given. I respect everyone that serves this nation proudly with me, but i believe that respect is a two lane road, meaning, if i give you the respect i think you deserve but dont get the respect i deserve in return then i will never give you that respect again. Example, if i give a Non-comissioned officer the greeting of the day and the just continue walking without saying a word back, then i will never give that non-comissioned officer the greeting of the day again. Selfless Service, I don't want to die, but I will if it keeps my fellow comrades and soldiers and battle buddies and family back home safe and continues the freedom they have always known. Honor, every day when I put on the uniform of the united states army I have great pride and honor in myself and others who also where the same uniform. Integrity, learned from our parents as kids, enforced as service members, always do what’s right no matter what, wheteher you are on post or off post on duty or off duty on leave or a four day pass or not. And last but not least, Personal Courage, if my country calls on me to do something and complete a mission, I have the personal courage to do whatever they ask of me. The Warrior ethos are the best and most important part to me in the soldier’s creed. I will always place the mission first, I will never accept defeat, I will never quit, and I will never leave a fallen comrade. † No matter where I am on duty or not, on post or no t, on leave or a four day pass or not, the mission will always come first (right after my family) or I will die trying, if that is neccesary. Part of being a soldier in the united states army is always being accountable and being on time, that is also very important. As a soldier in the United States Army we are accountable for any responsibilities we are given. Many responsibilities are given to us and there are also many situations where time is of the utmost importance. As a soldier in the united states army we have responsibilities such as, following the Army values in our daily lives, in and out of uniform, on or off post, on duty or not, because we are soldiers twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. Keeping our barracks clean our rooms and the common areas and always be ready for inspection. We are responsible for knowing about the United States Army, its regulations, rank structure and knowing our military occupation specialtys. With some military occupation specialty we have security clearances and are given a lot more responsibility than soldiers without security clearances. Everyday those with clearances are around sensitive information to the United States Army which could have a negative and detrimental effect on the united states of america and the united states army. We have the responsibility to protect this information and make sure the wrong people don’t get access to it. We have responsibility to look out for our fellow battle buddies in and out of uniform as well. We should always be looking out for them during the duty day and even in and out of uniform, on or off post, on duty or off duty, because as i said erlier, we are soldiers twenty four hours a day and seven days a week, making sure they are doing the right thing, keeping their uniform squared away and helping them when they need the help. Being stationed in another country where English isn’t the first language brings about more dangers which in turn creates more responsibilities as a battle buddy. Soldiers stationed in like say Korea also have the responsibility of representing the United States whenever tey step outside the gate or even go through the checkout line at the P. X. How we act is how the people of Korea will view the United states army and the United stated as well. We are responsible for leaving a good impression. As a soldier in the united states army we are trained to follow orders and always held accountable for this as well as carrying out any mission we are handed. All actions we take as a soldier we are held accountable and we have to be able to answer for everything we do, wheteher the person you are answering to wants to listen or not, which in most cases they dont want to hear what you have to say because leaders are right no matter what. 1003 -THE END-